Saturday, January 28, 2012

The four characters in the Sex & The City series certainly had their influence on fashions and trends from the late 90s till just a couple of years ago.  Never before has a television series had such an impact on women and fashion!  The evolving styles of Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte & Miranda were fun and exciting to watch, and ones that many women tried to emulate.  Carrie was definitely the main fashionista of the series with her ecclectic and sometimes very surprising styles!  Samantha was always colorful and sexy, the mature sex kitten personified! Charlotte was always stylish, often preppy looking, and the epitomy of Park Avenue chic.  And Miranda was edgy and at times very bold in her look.  These women all had a huge impact on the fashion trends that women looked toward, with most of us identifying with at least one of these 4 characters. Which one am I??? Well, I would have to say that I am a Samantha with an occasional Charlotte thrown in for good measure!  Which one of these fabulous ladies are you?  Take a look at their style and let me know whose style you most relate to....

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