Saturday, December 31, 2011

Today is the last day of 2011 so what's your promise to yourself going to be for next year?  How about to make sure you take the time to take care of yourself?  And I don't just mean in terms of what you look like on the outside, although that too is important in that it helps how you feel about yourself; but taking care of yourself on the inside is of upmost importance, especially as we get older.  Taking the time to make sure that we are in a good place emotionally, physically & spiritually will make you feel better all round.  For so many women, taking care of themselves is last on their list of priorities because they're so busy taking care of others; whether it be children, spouses, elderly relatives, they don't take the time to just stop and breathe.  So my wish to you all for the new year is that you take a little time out of every day just for you....even if it's 5 minutes to just be still, a half hour to read a book, to take a long hot bath - whatever it is, make sure you put yourself higher on the list!  Trust me, you'll feel better about yourself and will be better able to deal with all the other things and people in your life.

So today's post is not about the latest fashion trend or what to wear and how to wear it - it's about YOU!  I wish you all a safe and happy new year, and hope that you continue to enjoy life to the fullest.  I will return with more tips next year!  In the meantime, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL....

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