Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The importance of Color!

Today I want to talk about the importance of color. This season color is key in the latest fashion trends, whether it's neon colors, color blocking or pastels.  But that's not why color is so important.  Color is important because if you don't get it right it can make or break an outfit.  That's why I think it's important that everyone knows what colors they should wear by having a color analysis done.  A lot of people may not think this is important, but trust me, wearing the wrong colors can make you look washed out and much older than you are!  And I know no-one wants that!

One of the things I do with my clients is a color analysis.  It's an important part of the styling process.  I want my clients to look their best, and once we're finished with the work we do together I want them to be able to choose the right outfits in the right colors and tones, which is why I think this is a crucial part of the styling process. 

We all have colors that we love and colors that we hate.  But we don't always know what looks good with our coloring.  Color analysis is based on our hair/eye color and skin tone.  This will determine what 'season' we are - Winter, Fall, Spring or Summer.  Once we have this information we can make more informed decisions about what colors and shades to wear to get the best out of our looks and coloring.

Don't do what a lot of women do and hide behind dark colors.  Black and navy are fine, I wear these colors myself, but wear them with style and confidence, not as a way to hide your body or blend in with the crowd.  Wear colors that will showcase your beautiful vivid blue eyes, or accent your dark mysterious brown eyes, and highlight your complexion by wearing a color that will complement you, not make you look harsh and older than you really are.

Take the time to get a color analysis, whether it's with me (which obviously I would prefer!) or with a color specialist.  And learn how to enjoy color and make the most of this seasons looks....

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