In a sea of bright brights it may look boring at first, but not everyone likes or looks good in vibrant hues. This is a great alternative for women who prefer quiet, more understated tones.
It will really suit you if you are a Summer. Summers have cool, muted coloring. Their skin has pink undertones and they have ash tones in their hair. Women with this coloring, like Helen Mirren, Jennifer Aniston and Michelle Pfieffer, would look fab in this shade.
If you aren't a summer, or a winter (another season that could wear this color), you can still wear this color, but you might want to keep it away from your face. For example, you could buy a pair of shoes in Grayed Jade, or Pistachio, as some call it. Or, maybe a pair of skinny jeans, or a purse. That way the color is on your bottom half away from your face where it could drag you down or just not make you look your very best.
You can also choose to wear this color as an accent. If you have a warm skin tone you could wear a top with small touches of color in it. For example, a warm cream blouse with touches of grayed jade in the pattern would be subtle.
Jewelry is a good way to incorporate Grayed Jade. One idea is to wear a necklace or bracelet that mixes grayed jade with warmer colors like emerald green and coral, two very popular shades this spring.
Having said all this, don't get too caught up about wearing exactly the right colors all the time. You can make yourself nuts being such a perfectionist, so don't sweat it! The guideline is to just generally stick to warm tones if you're warm in coloring and cool tones in you're cool in coloring if you really want to shine. If a color is in fashion that isn't perfectly you but you like it, just wear little bits of it.
Here are some other colors that complement this new shade
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