I hope that no matter what you are doing this evening to celebrate the arrival of 2013, you have fun, that you are with your loved ones, that you stay safe, and that the new year brings you whatever it is you are hoping for.
With that said, please read on for my hit & misses of 2012...
My 'most improved' in the fashion stakes goes to Miley Cyrus. She has evolved into an attractive and fashionable young woman, finally ridding herself of the 'Hannah Montana' girly-image that she had for so long. She has changed her hair to a short, platinum blonde, edgy short crop, and her body is rocking! Well done Miley for the best transformation this year!
My pick for most avantgarde celebrity has to go to Florence Welch. Love her or hate her, you cannot deny that she has her own ecclectic, and sometmes eccentric style, and she completely owns it! She is renowned for wearing floral or big prints, as well as being famous for wearing the infamous McQueen dress at this year's Met Gala. I like her style, despite the fact it's something I wouldn't necessarily choose myself, I admire her confidence and ability to pull off these great and sometimes wacky looks!
There were several what I like to call 'breakout fashionistas' in 2012, but I'm going to choose two of my favorites. The first is Elle Fanning (sister of Dakota). At the tender age of 14, she has proved herself to be quite the little fashionista, taking risks with her fashion choices and not being afraid to try new things. I love the fact that she has such a knowledge for high fashion at such a young age.
My second pick is the hugely talented Jennifer Lawrence. Another young girl to evolve into a stylish fashionista, she has also proved to be unafraid to take a risk when it comes to fashion and is willing to try new things and experiment. Watch out for this young actress - I think she has a lot more to show us in the coming year and I have a feeling we'll be hearing her name a lot more!
And now for my pick for worst dressed of 2012. I hate to do this (especially as she's a local girl), but Christina Aguillera wins this hands-down! She has looked a hot mess all year! This has nothing to do with her weight gain, I couldn't care less about that! But if you do gain a few pounds, don't be letting everything hang out for all to see! Her clothes are always way too tight, way too skimpy, and trashy looking. She needs to ditch the platinum blonde hair, the heavy makeup, and colored hair extensions. She's not a teenager anymore, she's a mother, and her whole look just screams trashy! So I hope to see a new and more refined Christina in 2013 - but somehow I doubt it!!
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