As a woman I urge ALL women to get out there and vote. You owe it to the women who fought so hard to get the right to vote, you owe it to your fellow women, and you owe it to your children to show them what's important.
There are many reasons why women need to get out and vote tomorrow, and many reasons why they need to vote for President Obama again, so that he can continue to do the work he has started for the next four years. If you're not sure why you should vote for Obama, continue reading and think about what matters for ALL women, and do what is right to help yourself, and your fellow women.
Here's the thing. The Obama/Biden ticket isn't just about women's reproductive choices. It's about the issues that are OUR issues. They want us to make more money at our jobs. They want to keep after-school programs for our kids. They pass legislation to protect women against domestic violence.
They want to help single mothers, of which there are many. They want to help get our kids into college. They get what is important to us.
Women's issues ARE family issues. No matter what your family looks like. You really need to ask yourself - and I mean seriously ask yourself - do you want to give birth to your rapist's baby or do you want to plan your own family. This isn't a moral issue. It's a quality of life issue.
You may think this election is about abortion and gay marriage, but really it's about rich and poor. And it's about women and freedom. It is a class election - and if you are not rich or super rich and have no way to get there besides winning the lottery - then you should not be voting for Romney. It is really that simple.
Please, make a difference and get out the vote, the right vote, tomorrow...
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