My excitement at the impending birth is somewhat odd, as those who know me can attest to, I have never been an avid royalist. When I lived in London for the first 33 years of my life, I didn't take much of an interest in the Royal family, and in fact, I can honestly say that I viewed them with a level of disdain. The only Royal member that I had a fondness for was the late Princess Diana, and I remember vividly watching her wedding to Prince Charles in 1981 and getting caught up in the excitement and street parties that were occurring throughout London. I also remember with great clarity the sadness I felt in 1997 when she died unexpectedly and prematurely, and watching the funeral with a heavy heart.
But since coming to live in the United States just over 15 years ago, I seem to have become more interested in the lives and ups & downs of the Royal Family. Why is this, I've often wondered? Perhaps it's because I'm living away from home now and it makes me feel more connected in some small way? Maybe it's because the Royal family have changed somewhat from the day's when I was growing up, and seem more modernized and 'real'? Whatever the reason, I watched the wedding of Katherine & William like a real patriot, and I have been following Kate throughout her pregnancy, and now that the birth is due any day now, I find myself feeling excited and happy for them. Will it be a boy or a girl? What will they name the baby? I have been participating in all these conversations, much to my dismay! This is just not like me!
But I think I've finally figured out the answer as to why I've been caught up in all the hoopla surrounding this impending birth. It's because we are surrounded by so much bad news and suffering in the world recently, that to have this one happy event to look forward, it will take the focus of all the negative things happening, even if just for a brief time. When I think of all the things in the news that I watch every day...from wars and economic crises, to murder trials and protests, I think we need a happy event, and what more than the birth of a baby to bring joy to people? Maybe I'm becoming a sap in my mid-life, but it feels right to be happy for this couple who seem genuinely in love and happy, and whom I think will make amazing parents.
So whatever Kate has, boy or girl, whatever they call the baby, I will be toasting the arrival of a new life, and wishing them well.
Kate's pregnancy fashions were (like her), classy & elegant. She was glowing and radiant, and has never looked more happy. So take a look at some of Kate's pregnancy fashions, and raise a glass when the little one arrives....